Here's a brutal scene of medieval mayhem, which will be repeated many times, occasionally even more graphically than is is here, in MEDI-EVIL, my new trilogy of ebooks exclusively packed with historically themed novellas and short stories.
They aren't just medieval stories; they come from all periods of Earth's history, but I liked the title, so there. However, I can guarantee that all are full-blooded horrors, chillers and suspensers. The first volume is now available HERE.
The above picture is nothing to do with it, I should add, but you must admit it's rather eye-catching. For further detail concerning the synopses in MEDI-EVIL 1, check the post below this one (and keep an eye out in the next week or so for MEDI-EVIL 1 & 2).
On a slightly different subject, I've just completed had a busy two days on the DOCTOR WHO scene. At Waterstone's in Wigan yesterday, I signed 30 copies of my new novel HUNTER'S MOON for the fans (pictured below), which was a very rewarding experience. Thanks to Kate and Cherryl for looking after me so well. All the kids who came into the shop also enjoyed playing with a transistorised Dalek, running it around a specially laid-out obstacle course (pictured at the bottom) - until some bloke came striding in and accidentally kicked it like a rugby ball, smashing it to bits while a couple of youngsters were actually in the process of ussing it. (I suppose it's just a good job he didn't kick one of them).
Today, meanwhile, I was down in leafy Chesham, at the 'Act III' (Dr Who again) Convention, signing copies of SENTINELS OF THE NEW DAWN, my latest audio drama from Big Finish. It was another enjoyable day, made all the more pleasant by the presence on my table and panel of top writer and all-round good egg, the indefatigable Rob Shearman, Big Finish producer David Richardson, writer and script-editor John Dorney, and actors John Banks and Beth Chalmers.
It was also a lot of fun to meet Katy Manning and Lousie Jameson, but that would be name-dropping, wouldn't it, heh heh heh ...
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