WAR WOLF (horror)
Status - We got close to preprod once, but now ... Development Hell!!!
Premise - At the height of the Hundred Years War, a company of English knights occupy a captured French castle, only to see their numbers rapidly whittled down by an ancient, ravening beast.

Status - Released in 2011.
Production company - Chameleon Pictures
Director - Paul Campion
Producer - Leanne Saunders
Co-writers - Paul Campion, Brett Ihaka
Starring - Craig Hall, Matthew Sunderland, Gina Varela
Premise - On the eve of D-Day, a small Allied commando unit uncovers a Nazi plot to unleash demonic forces in order to destroy the planned invasion and restore Hitler's power across occupied Europe.
SPIRIT TRAP (horror)
Status - Released in 2005.
Archangel Films
Director - David Smith
Producer - Susie Brooks-Smith
Co-writers - Phil O'Shea
Starring - Billie Piper, Luke Mably, Sam Troughton
Premise - Students take up residence in an old London house, and enter a world of time-shifts and altered realities.
Status - Option expired, completed script available.
Premise - A move to the country becomes an unrelenting nightmare.
THE FREEZE (thriller)
Status - Under option
Premise - It isn't just the ice and snow that will chill you this winter.
HEART AND MIND (thriller)
Status - Under option
Premise - A former SAS man takes a long revenge on the gangsters who shot and killed his mother during a botched robbery.
DARK HOLLOW (horror)
Status - Under option
Premise - Adapatation of Briane Keene's novel of 2008.
VOODOO DAWN (horror)
Status - Under option
Premise - Sometimes crime really, really doesn't pay.
CAPE WRATH (horror)
Satus - Option expired, completed script available
Premise - Adaptation of my own novel of 2002.
Status - Option expired, completed script available.
Premise - Army cadets join special forces for a week's training on a remote island, but are soon having to battle just to survive.
DIRTY WORK (thriller)
Status - Script written, available (but much of it now cannibalised for my two Lucy Clayburn novels, STRANGERS and SHADOWS)
Premise - A bluecollar lady cop investigates a series of vigilante murders, which get steadily more brutal and bizarre.
DARK GROUND (horror)
Status - Development Hell (!!!)
Premise - Diabolic forces manifest in an isolated house on the Welsh coast.
VODYANOI (horror)
Status - Development Hell (!!!)
Premise - A excavation team encounter a terrifing predator while investigating a secluded lake in central Russia.
THE GOLEM (horror)
Status - Development Hell (!!!)
Premise - In an age of war and extermination, an unstoppable force of vengeance is unleashed. But when the aggressors are destroyed, who will it turn against next?
Producer - Leanne Saunders
Co-writers - Paul Campion, Brett Ihaka
Starring - Craig Hall, Matthew Sunderland, Gina Varela
Premise - On the eve of D-Day, a small Allied commando unit uncovers a Nazi plot to unleash demonic forces in order to destroy the planned invasion and restore Hitler's power across occupied Europe.
SPIRIT TRAP (horror)
Status - Released in 2005.
Archangel Films
Director - David Smith
Producer - Susie Brooks-Smith
Co-writers - Phil O'Shea
Starring - Billie Piper, Luke Mably, Sam Troughton
Premise - Students take up residence in an old London house, and enter a world of time-shifts and altered realities.
Status - Option expired, completed script available.
Premise - A move to the country becomes an unrelenting nightmare.
THE FREEZE (thriller)
Status - Under option
Premise - It isn't just the ice and snow that will chill you this winter.
HEART AND MIND (thriller)
Status - Under option
Premise - A former SAS man takes a long revenge on the gangsters who shot and killed his mother during a botched robbery.
DARK HOLLOW (horror)
Status - Under option
Premise - Adapatation of Briane Keene's novel of 2008.
VOODOO DAWN (horror)
Status - Under option
Premise - Sometimes crime really, really doesn't pay.
CAPE WRATH (horror)
Satus - Option expired, completed script available
Premise - Adaptation of my own novel of 2002.
Status - Option expired, completed script available.
Premise - Army cadets join special forces for a week's training on a remote island, but are soon having to battle just to survive.
DIRTY WORK (thriller)
Status - Script written, available (but much of it now cannibalised for my two Lucy Clayburn novels, STRANGERS and SHADOWS)
Premise - A bluecollar lady cop investigates a series of vigilante murders, which get steadily more brutal and bizarre.
DARK GROUND (horror)
Status - Development Hell (!!!)
Premise - Diabolic forces manifest in an isolated house on the Welsh coast.
VODYANOI (horror)
Status - Development Hell (!!!)
Premise - A excavation team encounter a terrifing predator while investigating a secluded lake in central Russia.
THE GOLEM (horror)
Status - Development Hell (!!!)
Premise - In an age of war and extermination, an unstoppable force of vengeance is unleashed. But when the aggressors are destroyed, who will it turn against next?