More Who-related matters are on the horizon this week.
First off, I'm pleased to announce that the audio-book version of HUNTER'S MOON, my new 11th Doctor novel, is now available, as read by Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams in the current TV show).
It tells a tale of gangsters and mercenaries, and is set on the Outer Rim, one of the least desirable corners of the Galaxy, in particular on the planetoid, Gorgoror, where ever kind of horror is waiting to be unleashed against the unwary. In its first few weeks of sales, the hardback version almost cracked the UK Top Ten, so BBC Books are certainly pleased with its progress.
A couple of independent reviews which have now appeared online, mention it thus:
I'm 40 pages into this book and already there has been a wealth of action and the world building is superb, painting a sleazy picture of a very nasty location. Looks like this will be another winner...
I really enjoyed this. The prose felt more detailed and the situations more dangerous than those of the average book. Nice setup and execution of how the Doctor defeated the badguy, too.
The brand new audio version can be purchased HERE .
In another Dr Who exclusive, I'll be at the official Big Finish Day at Barking Abbey School (Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 8UF), this coming Saturday (June 11th), to sign CDs, books and basically anything that gets put in front of me. If you're toying with the idea of toddling along but the thought of meeting me doesn't whet your appetite, toddle along anyway. Many other luminaries of Dr Who will be present, including Colin Baker, Sarah Sutton (Nyssa) and Sophie Aldred (Ace), not to mention top writers like Rob Shearman, Marcx Platt, Alan Barnes, Justin Richards, John Dorney and Nev Fountain.
It's slightly naughty of me, by the way, to illusrate this article with the above picture, which is a publicity shot for HEXAGORA, my next Dr Who project for Big Finish, due out in October, but to be fair it does feature Sarah Sutton, who reprises her role as Nyssa. It also includes Janet Fielding as Tegan and guest-stars the legendary Jacqueline Pearce, who first made her TV name as the beautiful but deadly Servalan in BLAKE'S SEVEN, but is no less a powerful and domineering character in my new script. Anyway, I can't give any more details about HEXAGORA at present; you guys will just need to watch this space.
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