I'm delighted to announce that we at last have the UK release dates for my new horror movie, THE DEVIL'S ROCK.
There is to be a limited cinema release on July 8th, alongside a simultaneous VOD release.
Don't ask me exactly what 'limited' means, but suffice to say that it won't be screening all over the country. Which theatres will actually pick the movie up, I don't yet know, but I'll inform everyone as and when.
However, there is no need for tantrums. Those who don't get to catch the movie at the flicks will only have to wait a couple of days. Because the movie will be issued on DVD all over the UK on July 11th.
A nerve-wracking time now follows for me. I've had one movie cinematically released in the past - that was SPIRIT TRAP back in 2005 (that only got a limited release too, but mainly did its business on DVD) - so it's a familiar sensation, this sense of powerlessness as you wait for the movie-going public to get their mits on what you hope will be seen as a masterpiece. But it's an exciting time as well. Believe it or not, I haven't yet seen a finished cut of the film, so I'm more than a little bit curious myself.
In case anyone missed it the first time round, here's a link to the movie website and the trailer:
Pictured above is another scene from the film. Kiwi commandos Ben Grogan (Craig Hall) and Joe Tane (Karlos Drinkwater) enter the enmey compound under cover of darkness, unaware just how terrible a foe awaits them there.
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