As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, some of my older short stories have now appeared on Kindle in an online reincarnation of one of the great mags of the UK’s small press ‘golden age’, KIMOTA (pictured in its heyday).
Along with early efforts by such luminaries of the speculative genre as Stephen Gallagher, Mark Morris, Steve Lockley, Willie Meikle, Peter Crowther, Nick Royle, Cate Gardner and Mark Chadbourn, three of my long-ago-published tales have now been resurrected in what can only be described as a magnum opus of the British small press in that era – in print-form, this anthology, which contains 60 stories, would be nearly 400 pages long!
In an effort to whet your whistles a little, here are some excerpts from my own contributions:
A black, tattered figure was standing framed against the trees, staring silently in at him. Its head was cocked unnaturally to one side...
July (Kimota #7, December 1997)
They all listened intently. From somewhere far below came the distinct thunder of running feet - huge feet galloping through the school...
Eugene (Kimota #6, June 1997)
A figure stepped into his path and Belper struck it with terrible violence. Tears burst from his eyes as the casualty cart-wheeled away, going head-first through a shop-window...
The Simulator (Kimota #12, April 2000)
In other news this morning, I was chuffed to bits to see a very smart article regarding THE DEVIL’S ROCK on the French website L’Ecran Fantastique, which is one of the most prestigious horror/fantasy/sci-fi domains on the internet. For those of you who don’t speak French, it’s worth checking out anyway, as the feature (which is two pages in) includes several new stills from the movie, some of which are rather gory.
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