It’s a bit difficult to post a blog this month and
not talk about the latest developments in the world of Heck – aka Detective
Sergeant Mark Heckenburg, my fictional crime investigator.
There seems to be
promotional material everywhere at present, including over in Germany, where
the first in the Heckenburg series, STALKERS, has now been published under the catchy MADCHENJAGER (which literally translates as ‘Woman Hunter’).
However, it’s the UK I want to concentrate on initially.
With two books now released, STALKERS and SACRIFICE and selling very well –
which I’m deeply grateful for and very honoured by – the third in the series, THE
KILLING CLUB, will hit the shelves in exactly one month’s time, May 22 to
be precise.
This latest adventure sees our rugged, blue-collar
investigator renew an old acquaintanceship with the Nice Guys’ Club, a criminal
organisation who, for the right price, can make your most fevered and brutal
fantasies come true. As in the previous two novels, Heck is aided and abetted
and sometimes hindered by the ex-love of his life, Detective Superintendent
Gemma Piper, while the action, which I like to think is as gritty and
uncompromising as ever, takes us from one end of the country to the next, from London’s
grimiest bowels to Scotland’s most isolated coastlines, and even to spiritual
rural havens, the tranquillity of which will soon be disrupted by screams of
terror and agony.
Don’t look so shocked, guys. It wouldn’t be a Heck
book if we didn’t have a bit of that, would it?
There’s a bit of a back-story to this actually, as
some of you who may still have been expecting the third in the series to be
HUNTED will now realise. THE KILLING CLUB was originally scheduled to be the
fifth Heck novel, but such was the deluge of interest in the Nice Guys Club –
the irredeemably evil opposition in STALKERS – that the decision was taken on
the top floor at Harper Towers to fast-track it forward. If you’re still hoping
for HUNTED, don’t worry. The book's written, but it’s now been moved a little
way down the line, and will be coming out in the slot originally scheduled for TKC, fifth.
As I said, there is only a month to go before THE KILLING CLUB hits the shelves, and HarperCollins have gone into overdrive on
the publicity front. But just to prove I’m doing my own bit, I’ve even had a
special jacket made for my iPhone (up top). And yes, I do get it out at each and every
opportunity (oo-er, missus!) – trains, buses, restaurants, pubs, you name it –
and wield it as publicly as possible.
And now over to Germany, where the promotion for MADCHENJAGER, is also going into overdrive. Check out the image above; this was shot by a friend of mine, T Maxim Simmler, who saw it on his way to work the other day. Apparently you can’t go anywhere in Germany without seeing posters like these. That certainly explains the excellent pre-sales in Germany, but I’m still a little startled not to say flattered. I knew Piper, the publishers who’ve acquired the Heck franchise, were really getting behind this project, but I hadn’t expected this kind of exposure. What can I say … thanks!
On this same subject, the second in the Heck series, SACRIFICE, or RATTENFANGER in German – another awesome-sounding thriller title, I’m sure you agree (pictured below) – will be published by Piper in the autumn, roughly around the time of the Hamburg Literary Festival. It’s highly possible I’ll travel over there for this grand event, but that will only be if time and schedules permit.
If you’re perhaps new to the crime thriller genre,
or perhaps are new to me, or maybe are new to DS Mark Heckenburg, and you’re
still contemplating buying … I don’t expect you to take my word for it. But a nice review of STALKERS has recently appeared online, courtesy of another PAUL (not my alter-ego, I promise you). Here’s a choice snippet, which has made
me very happy: