Other Authors N-Z

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Where Detective Heckenburg came from

A few more thoughts this week regarding my new cop novel, STALKERS. In these interviews - exclusively recorded at Harper Towers in Hammersmith - I discuss the basic idea behind the novel, which I'm very pleased to say has been selling exceptionally well, and which online reviewers have thus far described in terms ranging from "disturbing" and "horrible" to "gripping," "thrilling and "highly entertaining".

I also talk about the main character, Detective Sergeant Mark 'Heck' Heckenburg - where he came from and where he might be going next (because as I explain right here, he's got a lot of ground to cover, and an awful lot of very nasty people to put behind bars).

Friday 8 March 2013

STALKERS - the facts behind the fiction

A rarity, this week. I'm not actually going to write very much. Instead, I'm gonna yap.

Here, for your delectation are the first four of several filmed interviews I recently did with Avon Books, concerning my new novel STALKERS, and the hero of the piece, Detective Sergeant Mark 'Heck' Heckenburg.

For those interested, the book has now sold close to 50,000 copies and, though it again narrowly missed inclusion in the Sunday Times Top 20 best seller list, I'm led to understand that it creeps nearer each week. So I'm really quite a happy bunny.

Anyway, here we go ...